Indigenous Plant Use is an instructional booklet authored by Zena Cumpston providing accessible insights into the care and cultivation of indigenous plants within urban and non urban environments.
Produced by the Clean Air and Urban Landscapes Hub at the University of Melbourne, the Indigenous Plant Use booklet explores the cultural, nutritional, technological and medicinal applications of native Australian plants. The booklet encourages the care and cultivation of indigenous plants within urban environments, promoting connection to Country even within the context of contemporary cities. The manual provides a portal through which we may all begin to understand and engage with the complexity of First Nations scientific knowledge and practice.
The Indigenous Plant Use guide contains information on more than 50 indigenous plant species displayed on labels that can be printed and used by readers within their own gardens. Each label provides an opportunity for people to learn on Country and connect with Indigenous knowledge of plant use. The booklet has been designed for individuals and groups interested in indigenous plant use, including schools, community groups, greening practitioners, home gardeners and their families.
This text was the result of online research and a reading of the publication, borrowing from the publisher's official description of the text and an overview provided by booklet’s designer Adam Robinson Design.